Thursday 24 January 2008

The Truth

If you've never seen a truely amazing piece of copy, then this is it.
totally blew me away although i some what think it killed our creativity, hey ho.
Would love to be able to produce something so mundane that when seen in a different light it totally gets the wow factor.

Sunday 20 January 2008

some initial ideas

I have been reading various essays on the internet about/deaf people. One essay was by a teacher who has recently become deaf. He believes that now he understands what it is like to be different, he is more open minded and respectful of what others have to say. Now he id deaf he is a better listener.

So I thought about maybe looking at the different ways that people listen with out hearing - such as sign language, or semaphore, etc.

Here is a QUICK mock-up of a possible poster idea.

I was also thinking of listing the various irrational reasons why someone would decide to not listen to other people, and finish with some kind of statement about something or other.....

I don't listen to politicians because they are all liars,
I don't listen to my doctor because he's foreign,
I don't listen to hippies because they need a hair cut,
I don't listen to my grandparents because they are old,
I don't listen to tramps because they should get a job,
I won't listen to you because I don't even know you.

Or something like that.


Tuesday 15 January 2008

Hello there,

Me and Claire working on the Ogilvy Advertising Brief for D&AD. To see the brief, click here.

Basically, we have to encourage people to listen as opposed to just hearing, using only copy.

We chose this brief because neither of us have really done copy writing before, so it will be a challenge.

Hopefully we will updating this blog with out progress.
